Solgari & Companial join forces to address the CCaaS opportunity in SMB

solgari and companial

Solgari is delighted to be partnering with Companial to bring full-function contact center as a service (CCaaS) solutions to Small and Medium Business customers across the world. 

Customers today expect every business and brand they interact with to provide seamless communication experiences that blend and leverage every channel they prefer. The Small and Medium Business market globally is a tremendous opportunity for Solgari to deliver transformative CCaaS solutions that bring these firms closer to their end customer. To achieve this, Solgari is delighted to launch our partnership with Companial, formerly QBS Group, the leading Dynamics 365-focussed marketplace for this thriving community and the technology partners that serve it.

The Dynamics 365 agents, resellers and experts who populate the Companial marketplace work tirelessly to enable the SMB community with all of the benefits of Microsoft Dynamics 365 and the Power Platform. The partnership between Solgari and Companial brings our industry-leading CCaaS technology, Solgari Converse, into play – ensuring that SMBs have the tools and techniques to compete at the highest level and deliver enterprise-grade experiences without enterprise-level operational burden or implementation projects.

The business impact of Solgari’s technology on SMB customers is proven and established:

  • lightning-fast speed to value, with customers, live in days
  • increases in first call resolution and customer satisfaction through deep integration with Dynamics 365
  • achieving the right blend of self-service and agent-assisted experiences with industry-specific automation layers
  • building a holistic picture of the customer needs and relationship
  • secure and compliant call recording, chat transcription, archiving and PCI DSS payments
  • provisioned via the browser to enable ‘work from anywhere’ models

Commenting on Solgari’s value proposition for the SMB market, Solgari VP Sales and Partnerships EMEA, Joe Leberte, said, “All-channel engagement solutions are becoming a critical part of a business owners’ bare necessities, like accounting software, website, CRM, etc. The technical baseline has evolved and Solgari is committed to enabling these firms to stay competitive in the digital customer experience landscape the world has evolved to.

“Solgari is empowering our customers to be able to utilize the perfect level of automation for their business needs. By leveraging Solgari our SMB’s enable their end customers to become super users who only need to be routed to an in-person agent as necessary. We let technology do the heavy lifting and relieve the pressure the customer experience creates by utilizing automated communication flows, do more with less.”

Partnering with Companial allows Solgari to access the market’s leading network of Microsoft Resellers and ultimately opens doors to small businesses across Europe. This demonstrates our commitment to the backbone of Europe’s economy and we are delighted to support them in delivering better, more engaging and valuable customer experiences.#

Solgari Contacts

Joe Leberte – VP Sales EMEA

Companial Contacts

Herman van Leeuwen – VP Innovation

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