On Friday 25th June, the Solgari team were delighted to present on the power of automation in retail for our good friends at Power Community and their community of Microsoft Dynamics 365 experts, enthusiasts, and evangelists.
The impact of COVID-19 on the Retail and Manufacturing industries, among others, has been hugely significant, with businesses forced to move online to meet the twin challenges of continuing to serve customer needs and safeguarding revenue streams.
We were able to showcase the way in which Solgari’s all-channel communication solution is enabling businesses in these industries to perform effective, engaging and efficient Sales, Marketing and Customer Service functions across Voice, Video, Chat, SMS, Social Media, WeChat – as well as our recently-announced WhatsApp capability within the Solgari Converse endpoint.
Agent contacts Customer to initiate tyre order
Customers are now expecting this level of digitally-enabled detail in their buying experiences. Solgari enables firms to layer powerful automation capabilities into each conversation: enhanced with voice and SMS customer surveys, compliant customer data storage, PCI DSS-compliant payment processing and much more. With Solgari Converse, Retail customers can seamlessly escalate across from automated channels to a live SMS, video, voice or WhatsApp conversation with live agents.
Order is processed and the customer receives an automated SMS confirmation
This use case only just scratches the surface with regard to the opportunity of layering automation into business communications. Delivery notices 24 hours prior to completion, for example, can provide customers with the chance to ensure they are at home at the specified time, or opt for an in-store pick-up or re-scheduling – all combining to improve fulfilment rates and minimize mis-allocation of logistics time, effort and cost.
Solgari Converse + WhatsApp
Combined with the opportunity of layering automation into these businesses’ communications, the resulting solution ensures that firms can capture opportunity when it appears, generate new business in these trying circumstances, and deliver on customer expectations anywhere in the world.
Solgari is working with companies in several industries to prepare them for the surge in demand for automation such as Healthcare, Government, Manufacturing, Financial Services, Non-Profit and Real Estate.
For more information, or to discuss the potential of automated communications for your industry, don’t hesitate to contact: